- Touchpoint Tracking
Take Engagement to the Next Level
The CheckD Data Wallet expands engagement to include customers and businesses, giving you tools to track activity without leaking identity.
Watch how Eat2Give did it for donations. Read the News.
Say Goodbye to:
Intrusive Methods
Push notifications can erode customer trust. They’re also costly, irritating to the customer and, over time, yield diminishing returns that fall short of engagement goals.
Unsustainable efforts
Excessive time spent on repetitive engagement activities that drain resources that could be better spent on fulfilling the ecosystem’s core purpose. All with measurable performance of customer engagement with ecosystem partners.
Customer Fatigue
Repeated irrelevant engagement can lead to customer fatigue, putting customer relationships at risk.
Lack of Effective tracking
Customer engagement is hard to track across multiple physical touchpoints. This results in inefficient marketing spend and a weaker customer community.
Created by >USD50m of research grants across 10 U.K. universities, the Dataswyft Data Account Infrastructure Platform enable secure ownership and usage of data globally.