HATLAB Studio welcomes our new fund partner!

It is our great pleasure to welcome Self-Sovereign Data Holdings SB to HATLAB Studio as our newest partner. Self Sovereign Data Holdings is a fund started by the group that was involved in Dataswyft’s first ecosystem in Malaysia and they are now ready to take their next steps in supporting fellow Malaysian digital SMEs to do the same!

We’re interviewing the COO of the fund today, Tze Wye.

Thanks for speaking to us this morning, Tze Wye. First off, how do we pronounce your name?

It’s pronounced “zee-wye”.

What is the fund about?

The Self Sovereign Data Transformation fund (or SSDF for short) is a fund to help transform and accelerate Malaysian digital SMEs with a SS Data capability to generate cash flows from their customer data. Our future funds will also be investing into digital companies outside Malaysia.

Who are the people that you see will be interested?

1. SMEs that are on the cusp of data transformation. This fund is designed to provide them additional resources, both financially and in terms of knowhow, to get on the path of transformation and growth from data.

2. Investors who are interested in riding on the returns of a burgeoning data economy while supporting SME growth.

Whose idea is it?

The idea for the fund came from Jason Shong, the principal of the fund. Jason was heavily involved in the roll out of the first ecosystem in Malaysia and as the ecosystem started to grow, he persuaded Professor Irene Ng, CEO of Dataswyft, that Malaysian digital SMEs could accelerate in revenues and growth if Dataswift became the fund’s capability partner. Irene introduced us to Melanie, who runs a PE Fund in US who is also our advisor. Together with Gabriel, the ecosystem owner of SejutaKG, Ki Keong, our legal advisor, Jason and I worked together to make the fund happen and here we are!

What is your criteria?

Generally, a B2C business with at least 100k customers that has useful verified data that their customers would benefit from if it could be used more widely. It needs to be in profit as well.

That said, given the complexity of the digital economy, the 100k customer base is a guide. We are open to SMEs with vibrant user base that are on a growth track & have engaging user activities.

So the fund is a growth fund?

Yes, our aim is to accelerate and grow Malaysian digital companies with the new SS Data capability.

Is the fund only for Malaysian companies?

We start in Malaysia but the aim is to have this fund available for every country where Dataswift has a network.

How big is the fund?

Our first fund is very small because we aim to get to cash flows within 6 months. But the goal is to tier up and start to transform bigger SMEs and be an alternative source of capital.

How does the studio help?

Dataswift gets enquiries to join the network so they are a convenient pipeline for our fund. :)

Finally, how can investors participate in the fund?

We are open to the right investors in Malaysia and beyond. We welcome any organisations and/or individuals who are looking to support SMEs transform their businesses to tap into the digital economy.

Thank you and we wish you all the success. And welcome to the studio!!

For more information on the fund, please visit the website at selfsovereigndata.xyz or email contact@55data.xyz.


Podcast about Self-Sovereign Data on BFM89.9


We’ve landed in Asia!